31 Agosto 2023

UNAB in the Top 4 of the Best Chilean Universities in the 2023 Shanghai Ranking

The 2023 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) ranks Universidad Andrés Bello among the top 1,000 institutions in the world, excelling in research and scientific production. Nationally, it is the only non-traditional private institution included in the ranking.

The 2023 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) ranks Universidad Andrés Bello among the top 1,000 institutions in the world, excelling in research and scientific production. Nationally, it is the only non-traditional private institution included in the ranking.


Once again, Universidad Andrés Bello ranks among the top four universities in Chile and among the top 1,000 in the world, according to the twenty-first edition of the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), also known as the Shanghai Ranking. This is one of the most cited and recognized academic rankings globally, due to its scope and the metrics it uses related to quality and scientific output.


Each year, the ShanghaiRanking Consultancy evaluates more than 2,500 universities worldwide, selecting the top 1,000 based on four criteria. These are ‘Quality of Education’ and ‘Academic Performance per capita,’ each weighted at 10%. Also ‘Quality of Academic Staff’ (40%), which measures the presence of faculty who have won Nobel prizes or medals, as well as highly cited researchers; and the fourth criterion is ‘Scientific Productivity’ (40%), which measures the number of publications in the Nature and Science journals, as well as the number of publications indexed in the Science Citation Index-Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index, both from Web of Science.


UNAB president Julio Castro, said, “Being the only non-traditional private university recognized by this ranking speaks to the relevance of UNAB within the national system and the significant development of our institution in generating new knowledge, contributing to the society in which we live.” He also added:


This measurement gauges scientific productivity and is widely recognized in Chile and the world. Being part of the select group of four Chilean universities that are included (U. De Chile, PUC, and UdC), with UNAB only having 35 years of history, is a pride for our entire community.


For the UNAB Dean of Research and Doctoral Studies, Carolina Torrealba, the prominent position the university holds in the Shanghai Ranking is not due to chance but reflects the strategic decision to make research and generating new knowledge fundamental pillars of the institution. “We are the only non-traditional private university in the country in the ranking, which reflects the quality of our researchers who are now nationally and internationally recognized for the work they do. We are a university committed to generating impact, contributing to the society in which we operate, and the excellence with which we perform this commitment is what this ranking recognizes. This motivates us to continue promoting excellence in research, fostering the exchange of ideas, and collaborating with experts from Chile and around the world.»


Excellence in Research


Internationally, the ranking is led by three American universities: first is Harvard University, followed by Stanford University, and then Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).


Nationally, like last year, the list is topped by Universidad de Chile, followed by Pontificia Universidad Católica. Sharing the third position are Universidad de Concepción and Universidad Andrés Bello. It should be noted that among these institutions, UNAB is the only non-traditional private one to be included in the ranking, and the youngest, with only 35 years of history.


In the 2023 Shanghai Ranking, Universidad Andrés Bello excels in the criterion that measures the number of highly cited researchers, sharing the top national spot with Universidad de Chile. It also achieved notable positions in the criteria that measure the scientific productivity of the institution.