02 Agosto 2024

Universidad Andrés Bello ranks 4th nationally in the Nature Index Research Leaders 2024 ranking

The prestigious measurement recognizes the leadership in scientific research of institutions worldwide, evaluating the number of high-impact publications in 145 specialized journals. In this version, UNAB also maintains the first place among non-traditional private universities in Chile and ranks 14th in South America.

Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB) ranked fourth among Chilean higher education institutions that conduct high-quality scientific research, according to the prestigious Nature Index Research Leaders 2024 ranking, which was recently released.

The institution also climbed two places among the best universities in South America, ranking fourteenth. At the national level, the list is headed by the Universidad de Chile, followed by the Pontificia Universidad Católica.

The Nature Index Research Leaders ranking measures the high-impact scientific output generated by institutions worldwide during the year 2023, based on the number of publications in 145 specialized journals. Measurement encompasses research in the areas of chemistry, biological sciences, earth and environmental sciences, physical sciences, and health sciences.

«We are extremely proud to be once again among the best Chilean universities in the Nature Index ranking. For Universidad Andrés Bello, impactful scientific research and its dissemination are among the institution’s pillars. We seek to contribute to science and innovation, areas that we consider fundamental for the development and well-being of our society, and that is why we will continue to promote projects aligned with today’s challenges,» said UNAB Rector Julio Castro.

Harvard University (USA) is the highest-ranked university worldwide, followed by the Academy of Sciences (China) and the University of Science and Technology (China). In South America, the top three places go to the University of São Paulo (Brazil), the State University of Campinas (Brazil), and the University of Chile.

UNAB, leader in physical sciences and chemistry

Breaking down the results by research area, Universidad Andrés Bello obtained an outstanding position in the physical sciences, rising three places to achieve third place among national institutions and 11th place among South American institutions. In chemistry, it ranked fourth in Chile.

In Earth and environmental sciences and health sciences, UNAB ranked 8th at the national level, and in biological sciences, 11th.

«This recognition reflects the commitment and dedication of our researchers, who constantly seek to generate frontier knowledge that contributes to the country’s scientific and technological development,» says Carolina Torrealba, Dean of Research and Doctoral Studies at UNAB.

«At Universidad Andrés Bello, we promote a collaborative research culture with national and international institutions, which allows us to address global challenges with an innovative and multidisciplinary perspective. We will continue strengthening our research capabilities and networks to move forward and, above all, positively impact society.»

The Nature Index Research Leaders ranking also records the collaborative work, both nationally and internationally, carried out by researchers at the institutions evaluated. In the case of UNAB, there is an important component of scientific collaboration with prestigious foreign institutions, including the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).

At the national level, UNAB conducts research collaborations mainly with the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, the Universidad de Chile, and the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, among others.