08 Junio 2023

Universidad Andrés Bello No. 1 in Chile in Times Higher Education Impact Ranking

The prestigious international University Impact Rankings by Times Higher Education have been published for the past five years. This year, the Universidad Andrés Bello positioned itself as No. 1 in Chile for its contribution to the fulfillment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In this 2023 edition, Universidad Andrés Bello is also the only Chilean institution to rank among the top 200 worldwide.


This year, the ranking measured 1,591 universities from 112 countries (185 more institutions than last year). The top spots were taken by Oxford University (UK), Harvard University (USA), and Cambridge University (UK), respectively.


The Times Higher Education Ranking aims to measure the contribution of universities worldwide to the fulfillment of the SDGs, reflecting a comprehensive view of university work (covering teaching, management, community engagement, and research).


Currently, the United Nations sets 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which include: gender equality, quality education, clean water and sanitation, responsible production and consumption, life below water, and affordable and clean energy, among others.


For UNAB President Julio Castro, this high position «reflects our commitment to our environment and the responsible way we place ourselves in it. The SDGs are diverse, they address different themes ranging from the end of poverty to gender equality, quality education, care of the oceans, etc. I am convinced that this is how a university should project itself into the future, and we are enormously proud to be the first Chilean university and to be among the top 200 universities worldwide that contribute the most to the achievement of these goals.»




For the first time this year, Universidad Andrés Bello measured its contribution to all the SDGs. And the results were a source of pride for the entire community.


Out of a total of 17 SDGs, the University ranked among the top 5 Chilean universities in 14 of them. When considering the top 3, UNAB was included in this tier for 10 of the Sustainable Development Goals.


In the goals related to Life Below Water, Life on Land, and Partnerships for the Goals, Universidad Andrés Bello ranked first in the country.


«That Universidad Andrés Bello maintains its national positioning again is by far a source of pride. We know the contribution the University makes in all its institutional work, starting with the research area, applied research, of course, Community Engagement, the social projects we have, the training we give to our students,» explains Héctor Hidalgo, Director of Community Engagement at Universidad Andrés Bello.


Additionally, Hidalgo emphasizes, «This achievement is a result of many converging efforts: the professionalism of our academics, our varied projects, and our comprehensive programs. It’s a cause for immense happiness. Importantly, this year, we were intent on showcasing our contributions across all 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and we excelled in each one. This gives us profound joy.»