13 Mayo 2024

Universidad Andrés Bello Establishes a Historic Partnership with Prestigious Global Accrediting Agency

UNAB is the first Ibero-American institution to join as a member of the British agency QAA, recognized as one of the most important in quality assurance worldwide.

Universidad Andrés Bello took a significant step forward in its commitment to academic excellence and educational quality by becoming the first university in Ibero-America to become an International Associate Member of the prestigious and world-renowned accreditation agency The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education(QAA).

The United Kingdom-based entity is one of the most respected agencies worldwide in the field of quality assurance in higher education.

QAA is recognized for its commitment to ensuring that students experience the highest-quality education possible. It offers a wide range of services and resources for educational institutions seeking to promote best practices in teaching and learning.

This agreement will provide the university with privileged access to QAA‘s courses, webinars, and conferences, which are known for their academic excellence and focus on quality education. In addition, it allows UNAB to establish relationships with the agency’s more than 300 members and extensive international network, which will facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experiences in educational quality.

This strategic alliance will also further strengthen UNAB’s position as a leader in higher education in Latin America and internationally. By accessing QAA‘s resources and services, UNAB will enrich its academic programs, improve its quality assurance processes, and promote a culture of excellence throughout the university community.

Regarding this new alliance, UNAB President Julio Castro said, «This partnership will provide Universidad Andrés Bello with a unique platform to participate in global educational quality initiatives, collaborate with other leading institutions worldwide, and contribute to developing international standards in higher education. All of this, to make the most of the opportunity to continue raising our quality standards and offering a world-class education to our students and future generations of professionals.»

Carmen Gloria Jiménez, UNAB’s Dean of Quality Assurance, said, «As a university, we are pleased to be part of the QAA global network and to access its resources and quality services. This partnership reflects our continued commitment to academic excellence and allows us to strengthen our educational quality processes.»

Jiménez also indicated that «the university has always been committed to excellence and continuous improvement, so this partnership with QAA represents an important step to further enhance that goal. We hope to make the most of this collaboration, providing a unique opportunity to strengthen our technical teams and continue to offer world-class education to those who choose us.

As part of this partnership, UNAB will also have the opportunity to share its own experiences and successful practices with other universities of excellence at the international level, thus contributing to strengthening the educational community worldwide.