03 Abril 2024

UNAB ranks among the top 6 universities in Chile according to the 2024 Scimago Ranking

In the latest version of the Scimago ranking, which measures performance in research, innovation, and social impact, Universidad Andrés Bello obtained 6th place nationally. Likewise, the institution is among the ten best universities in the country in 12 of the 19 disciplines evaluated.

The results of the Scimago 2024 Ranking, released this week, reveal that Universidad Andrés Bello has consolidated its position in 6th place among the country’s leading institutions in university education.

The Scimago Institutions Rankings (SIR), developed by Scimago Lab, measures three sets of indicators, based on which it builds its renowned ranking: research performance (50%), innovation results (30%), and social impact (20%). This year, they measured more than 4,500 academic institutions and research centers worldwide. In Chile, 42 institutions were evaluated.

Regarding the results of the ranking and UNAB’s position, the Dean of Research and Doctoral Studies of Universidad Andrés Bello, Carolina Torrealba, said that they are the result of the university’s research efforts, the strategic importance given by the university to quality research and the work teams in the different Schools. «Research is one of the pillars of our university, and we have materialized this commitment with the creation and transfer of knowledge in various fields of knowledge through the formation and consolidation of research groups of high quality, ambition, and commitment to our society.»

Scimago 2024 Ranking Results by Discipline

The Scimago ranking classifies institutions’ scientific production in 19 disciplinary categories to provide results by area of knowledge. Accordingly, Universidad Andrés Bello is in the Top 10 national universities in 12 of these 19 disciplines, top 5 in 4, and Top 3 in 2.

Highlights include 2nd national place in the field of Energy, 3rd place in Mathematics, and 4th place in Engineering and Veterinary Medicine.

It is followed by the disciplines of Social Sciences and Computer Science (6th place), Medicine (7th), Dentistry and Earth Sciences (8th), Agriculture and Biological Sciences (9th), and the disciplines of Environmental Sciences and Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Genetics (10th).

For its performance in the fields of Energy and Mathematics, UNAB is ranked among the top 25 Latin American universities.

«As dean of the Faculty of Exact Sciences, I can attest to the work done by the different research groups and the relevance we give as an institution to excellence and commitment to the country. We are particularly pleased with the results in subjects such as energy and mathematics. The mathematics group at UNAB – to which I belong – is small compared to the other groups in Chile but has a strong focus on taking on multidisciplinary challenges, with extensive collaboration among them in specific areas where they have established themselves as leaders,» said Pierre Paul Romagnioli, Dean of Exact Sciences at UNAB.

In terms of subcategories, at the national level, UNAB stands out with 2nd place in Mechanical Engineering, 4th place in Education, and 6th place in Oceanography. In the subcategories of Medicine, UNAB stands out in 6th place nationally in Infectious Diseases, 7th in Surgery, and 9th in Pediatrics.

In the subcategories associated with Agriculture and Biological Sciences, UNAB achieved outstanding performance in five of them: Animal Science and Zoology, Aquatic Science (6th), Plant Science (8th), and Ecology and Food Science (9th).


In Scimago, research performance is measured in terms of the volume, impact, and quality of the institution’s research output, including openness (open access), scientific leadership, international collaboration, and high-quality publications. This information is provided by Scopus data.

The innovation ranking is calculated based on the number of patent applications and the institution’s impact on the industry.

This year, the social impact indicator incorporated three new indicators. In addition to measuring digital presence and social media metrics, this version of the ranking measured the generation of new knowledge related to the Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations, the participation of women in research processes, and the use of the results obtained in the creation or improvement of public policies.

For more information, visit scimagoir.com.