24 Mayo 2024

UNAB among the top 5 universities in Chile and 43 in Latin America in the CWUR Ranking 2024

Once again, Universidad Andrés Bello stands out in the ranking prepared by the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR), highlighting its commitment to academic excellence and cutting-edge research. Moreover, the institution ranks No. 1 among non-traditional private universities in Chile.

The Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) recently announced the results of its annual evaluation of the world’s leading universities, widely regarded as one of the most comprehensive academic rankings of higher education institutions.

In the 2024 edition, Universidad Andrés Bello ranked fifth among Chilean universities and 43rd in Latin America. Additionally, UNAB is ranked number 1 in Chile among non-traditional private universities.

In Chile, leading the list is the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (ranked 400th worldwide), followed by the Universidad de Chile (444), the Universidad de Concepción (845), and the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (977). Universidad Andrés Bello remains in fifth place, ranking 1145 worldwide. It should be noted that, of the 2,000 institutions included in this ranking, only 16 are Chilean.

Globally, the first place was occupied by Harvard University, followed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University, and the University of Cambridge.

Julio Castro, President of Universidad Andrés Bello, expressed his satisfaction with the results obtained:

«We are pleased to see that UNAB is increasingly appearing among the best universities in Chile, also climbing positions at the Latin American level. Being within the top 43 universities in Latin America in this ranking is a recognition of a job well done, the commitment of the community, and the path of excellence we have followed since our creation.”

“We are a relatively young university with a great responsibility, and for this reason, we aim to educate aware and prepared citizens who are capable of contributing to society and thriving in a global, very demanding, and dynamic world. We will continue down that path,» he added.



About the CWUR ranking

The CWUR ranking has been expanding its reach over time. In this thirteenth edition, nearly 21,000 institutions around the world were evaluated, and of this number, only the 2,000 best were included in the final list.

The CWUR methodology is based on the measurement of four main variables: education (25%), employability (25%), quality of faculty (10%), and research (40%). It is important to note that this evaluation is unique in its kind, as it measures the quality of these four factors without resorting to surveys or information provided by the institutions that are being evaluated.

In relation to its performance by variables, the Universidad Andrés Bello maintained its position from the previous measurement, preserving the fifth place among national universities in the field of research and the seventh place in employability.

About the CWUR Ranking

The CWUR ranking has been expanding its reach over time. In this thirteenth edition, nearly 21,000 institutions worldwide were evaluated, and from this number, only the top 2,000 were included in the final list.

The CWUR methodology is based on the measurement of four main variables: education (25%), employability (25%), quality of faculty (10%), and research (40%). It is important to note that this evaluation is unique in its kind, as it measures the quality of these four factors without resorting to surveys or information provided by the institutions being evaluated.

Regarding its performance by variables, Universidad Andrés Bello maintained its position from the previous measurement, preserving fifth place among national universities in the field of research and seventh place in employability.