19 Junio 2024

UNAB Academics Once Again Recognized in International Ranking Research.com

At the national level, Dr. Martín Montecino is the only Chilean scientist included in the field of Molecular Biology. Dr. Dante Minniti ranks second in the country in Physics, and Dr. Rubén Avendaño ranks second in the country in Animal and Veterinary Science.

Universidad Andrés Bello consolidates its position for the third consecutive year in the renowned international ranking Research.com, a worldwide reference in research. This measurement distinguishes the leaders in the global scientific field and the most outstanding academic institutions in various areas of knowledge.

In this version, six research academics from UNAB were included in the Research.com ranking, excelling in the disciplines of Molecular Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Animal and Veterinary Science, and Earth Sciences. Additionally, a visiting professor in psychology is also working with us. Likewise, in the breakdown by institutions, the university ranked highly at the national level in these same areas.

«We received the results of this international measurement with great satisfaction because it is a well-deserved recognition of the hard work of our academic researchers and because it highlights the quality and relevance of the research carried out at UNAB,» added the Dean of Research and Doctoral Studies of Universidad Andrés Bello, Carolina Torrealba. «We are very pleased with the results.»

This achievement encourages us to continue fostering a robust and collaborative research environment, where researchers can continue to develop studies that provide meaningful solutions to today’s challenges. We are proud of these achievements and committed to maintaining and raising the standards of excellence in research, contributing to the generation of knowledge in different areas and to the welfare of our society.

The Research.com ranking evaluates scientists based on the D-Index, i.e., publications and citations related to the particular discipline being measured. Scientific productivity and the achievements and recognitions received are also considered.

The following are the results obtained by UNAB academic researchers.

Molecular Biology and Physics

Among the researchers from the Universidad Andrés Bello included in the Research.com ranking, Dr. Martín Montecino, Director of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences (ICB) of UNAB, stands out. Dr. Montecino once again positioned himself as the only national scientist included in the Molecular Biology area. Dr. Montecino, who holds a Biomedical Sciences degree from the University of Massachusetts accumulates 207 publications, 9,997 citations, and a D-index of 56.

«It is a great honor to be considered on this international list of scientists. It represents a recognition of our research work, which involves students and collaborators from UNAB and other national and foreign institutions,» said Dr. Montecino.

“This commitment to research excellence allows our contributions to be considered and, therefore, cited by other scientists worldwide.”

In addition to directing the ICB, Dr. Montecino is also the director of the PhD program in Biomedicine at UNAB and a member of the editorial boards of several scientific journals, including Biological Research and Eukaryotic Reviews in Gene Expression.

In Physics, which includes astronomy, Dr. Dante Minniti, a researcher at the UNAB Astrophysics Institute, joins the ranking. In the measurement broken down by country, the outstanding astronomer ranked second among the best scientists in Physics in Chile, with a total of 1,105 publications, 50,856 citations, and a D index of 115.

It is a great honor for Dr. Minniti to have received this distinction for the third consecutive year, reflecting his work and commitment. «We are living in extraordinary times, in the era of Big Data and AI,» he noted.

«We participate in this era of revolutionary discoveries as explorers and scientific educators, so I believe it is also a significant recognition for the Institute of Astrophysics at UNAB, where we are very excited about conducting science, outreach, and, of course, teaching to train the scientists of the future.»

The measurement of this particular discipline was based on the analysis of more than 54,000 profiles of scientists around the world, among which Dr. Minniti ranks 771st.

In the Research.com ranking broken down by institutions, Universidad Andrés Bello stands out in both disciplines. In Molecular Biology, UNAB is the only national institution in the ranking.

In Physics, UNAB ranks third among the six best national universities, after Pontificia Universidad Católica (PUC) and Universidad de Chile.

Animal Science and Veterinary Science

The Research.com Ranking also highlights the work of Dr. Rubén Avendaño, researcher at the Quintay Marine Research Center, CIMARQ UNAB, Viña del Mar, Director of the Laboratory of Pathology of Aquatic Organisms and Aquaculture Biotechnology of UNAB and lead researcher of the FONDAP INCAR Center of Excellence.

In the field of Animal and Veterinary Science, Dr. Avendaño ranked second nationally, accumulating a total of 136 publications, 2,685 citations, and a D index of 27.

Dr. Avendaño, a faculty member of the PhD program in Biotechnology at UNAB, values this recognition and shares it with the members of his work team. «They are committed to the excellent research we do, and we work together to generate knowledge that will bring about changes in society, especially in the area of specific salmon production.»

“Our contribution is not only knowledge but also impacts regulations, public policies, and the discussion on how to produce salmon more sustainably. The challenge is to continue on this path and maintain our position as a national and international reference in Animal and Veterinary Science.”

In the measurement broken down by institutions, Universidad Andrés Bello is among the only two national universities mentioned in this category, second only to Universidad de Concepción. Globally, among all the universities evaluated, UNAB ranks 353rd.


Only one woman is mentioned among the four best scientists in Chile in the Research.com ranking in chemistry. Dr. Patricia Pérez, an academic from the Department of Chemical Sciences and director of the PhD program in Molecular Physiochemistry at UNAB, said, «It is once again an honor and a privilege that I deeply value.»

“I am proud to represent women in science and to demonstrate that we have a significant and prominent role in scientific research.”

For her, this achievement extends to the Universidad Andrés Bello, «which has given me the support and commitment to scientific work, significantly advancing knowledge in our field. I hope that this recognition will serve as an inspiration for other women who long for a career in science.”

Dr. Patricia Perez ranked fourth, with 146 publications, 10,790 citations, and a D-index of 52.

At the institutional level, UNAB ranks among the top four universities in Chile in Chemistry, occupying fourth place after USACH, PUC, and Universidad de Talca.





Earth Sciences

Reynaldo Charrier, a renowned Geology academic and researcher at Universidad Andrés Bello, was highlighted in the field of Earth Sciences, ranking ninth nationally with 110 publications, 5,383 citations, and a D index of 36.

«This means recognition of a long effort to comprehensively understand the evolution of the Andean chain in the Chilean-Argentine area and of certain findings on different situations that have occurred throughout its history,» said Dr. Charrier.

“The quality and value of researchers’ contributions to knowledge make them prominent in research rankings such as Research.com. This is achieved by forming strong research teams, usually multidisciplinary, and the availability of a complex infrastructure.”

Francisco Hervé, Ph.D. in Geology, professor at the Universidad de Chile and adjunct research professor of Geology at the Universidad Andrés Bello, was also distinguished.

Dr. Herve ranked second among the top 18 Earth Science scientists in the country, according to the Research.com ranking. The prominent geologist has 179 publications, 7,115 citations, and a D-index of 45.

In the ranking that classifies the institutions, the UNAB appears among the best national universities in Earth Sciences, placing fifth after the University of Chile. of Chile, the U. Austral, the U. of Concepción, and the PUC.

Finally, the work of Dr. Darío Páez, Professor of Social Psychology at the School of Psychology of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU and visiting professor of the doctoral program in Education and Society of the School of Education and Social Sciences of the UNAB, was also recognized.

According to Research.com, Dr. Páez is ranked second among the best academics in Psychology in the country. The prominent professor has 330 publications, 9,867 citations, and a D index of 53.

In the ranking that classifies the institutions, UNAB appears second in Psychology at the national level after Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.