13 Mayo 2024

The UNAB Schools of Life Sciences and Education and Social Sciences Receive ANECA Certification

This prestigious Spanish agency accredited the implementation of the quality assurance system for two new schools at Universidad Andrés Bello for six years. This brings the number of schools of the institution that have obtained this important seal of quality to eight.

Universidad Andrés Bello took a new step in its internationalization and quality assurance strategy this week: the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (ANECA), accredited the Schools of Life Sciences and Education and Social Sciences for six years, the maximum period of accreditation granted by this agency within the framework of its International Audit program.

In simple words, this accreditation means that both Schools received a seal that certifies compliance with the internal quality assurance standards that the institution has set for itself, which meet national and international requirements.

This opens the doors to our students and teachers to the European education environment, as ANECA is one of the most important and recognized agencies on this continent.

«This accreditation further demonstrates our commitment to continuous improvement and to providing our students with an education that meets global standards of excellence. The accreditation with ANECA is not only a seal of approval but also allows our students to open new doors in the European space and thus expand their possibilities of internationalization,» said Carmen Gloria Jimenez, UNAB’s Dean of Quality Assurance.

«It is a great pride for us at UNAB to announce this certification, with which we complete eight accredited schools out of 11. This is an important step for all of us who are part of this university. This recognition speaks of the excellence in management, in the training we provide to our students, the research carried out by our academics, and the outreach and linkage with the environment we carry out daily,» said UNAB President Julio Castro.

The President explained that UNAB’s objective is for all its Schools to achieve this international certification from the AUDIT program.

Strengthening Commitment to Quality

The dean of the School of Education and Social Sciences of Universidad Andrés Bello, María Gabriela Huidobro, was very pleased with this accreditation and said that «not only does it express the academic and professional quality of our training project and each of the programs that comprise it, but also the value, commitment and dedication that the members of our Faculty dedicate to their daily work.

For the Dean of the School of Life Sciences, Felipe Simón, «It is a tremendous recognition to have a certification with European standards, which reflects the quality of our processes and procedures, putting it at the same level as other European schools certified by the same agency. This opens up a wide range of opportunities to position the School’s careers and programs at the international level, thus enhancing our students’ opportunities».