10 Agosto 2023

La Tercera| Two exercises that control diabetes and lower blood pressure

"Hypertension can be normalized using certain exercise programs, not just any program, but a program that is controlled, oriented, and guided with the patient. People from hypertension progress to the state of prehypertension and then to the state of normotension; that is, a normal state.”

In Chilean society, there is a misconception that these diseases are permanent. However, this is not true, as they can be managed through lifestyle changes. UNAB Rehabilitation Science research shows exciting advances in this regard.

How does high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIT) influence diseases such as hypertension and diabetes? This has been the focus of the research of Cristian Álvarez, Doctor in Health Sciences, researcher academic of the UNAB School of Rehabilitation Sciences, who developed this work for 12 years.

This exercise methodology highlighted by La Tercera related to how patients can restore their blood pressure and diabetes levels using physical exercise programs guided by a specialist and regulated in time with a dose that includes certain intensity, volume, frequency, and density (duration of recovery pauses), and by the characteristics of the associated pathologies.

«Hypertension can be normalized using certain exercise programs, not just any program, but a program that is controlled, oriented, and guided with the patient. People from hypertension progress to the state of prehypertension and then to the state of normotension; that is, a normal state,» Alvarez explained.

The people who suffer from these diseases, said the academic, is the vast majority of those who do not exercise frequently: «Those who are physically inactive, that is, who do not engage in daily physical activity or who do not meet the international recommendations for physical activity according to the WHO. That is at least 150 to 300 minutes of low to moderate exercise per week or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous physical activity per week.

«Hypertension can be normalized using certain exercise programs, not just any program, but a program that is controlled, oriented, and guided with the patient. People from hypertension progress to the state of prehypertension and then to the state of normotension; that is, a normal state.”


What exercises should be performed to regulate diabetes and high blood pressure?

Particularly HIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) and muscular strength exercise. HIIT is achieved by cycling for a few seconds (30 to 60 seconds) and always having rest breaks.

Strength training consists of exercising with weights and performing exercises during the same (30 to 60 seconds) and always having rest breaks. We usually call it combined or «concurrent» exercise when we do two types of exercise in the same session, explains Álvarez.

The effectiveness of these exercises for diabetes and hypertension

Alvarez became interested in this topic by working eight years in a public health center, directing exercise programs with these patients in primary health care. «There we discovered the effectiveness of short periods of exercise of a few seconds, but of vigorous-intensity, and always with rest periods.”

Two activities that control diabetes and lower blood pressure

Cristian Álvarez, an academic at the Universidad Andrés Bello, has studied how exercise can normalize glycemia and high blood pressure indexes in people with diabetes and hypertension.
He has written over 200 scientific publications on this subject, detailing the benefits of HIIT or strength exercises on both pathologies.

«HIIT is easier for patients since it is always interspersed with breaks. These programs can be developed in an exercise room guided by an exercise professional, following continuous session-by-session monitoring of people’s parameters, and usually range from 4 to 20 weeks in duration,» he explained.

Rehabilitation with these exercises

The research is ongoing, working with a sample group at UNAB‘s Concepción campus. «In Rehabilitation Sciences, we are interested precisely in trying to reach the concept of rehabilitation and physical exercise, as part of the non-pharmacological strategies and human movement, plays a fundamental role in improving the diseases wrongly called chronic formerly.»

Chilean society is stigmatized by the idea that these are lifelong diseases, and it is not so, but they are subject to lifestyle change. Still, they continue to consume by not moving daily, using the car for everything, eating food without spending it, and thinking of food restriction as the only tool without including moving the muscles. We will continue to obtain the same results,» he said.

Contrary to popular belief, he added that these diseases are not always inheritable. Therefore, he insisted that they should also understand that it is very important to perform regular physical activity during the week (comply with the weekly PA recommendations) to avoid the disease. However, when diabetes or hypertension has already been diagnosed, it is important to be guided by a physical exercise specialist to get out of these transitory diseases.

Regarding public policies, «For example, the GES guarantees some benefits, care, medicines, and tests, but does not ensure universal access to a physical exercise program guided by a professional, and the possibility of accessing a lifestyle change program at any time is not guaranteed.

Chilean society is stigmatized by the idea that these are lifelong diseases, and it is not so, but they are subject to lifestyle change. Still, they continue to consume by not moving daily, using the car for everything, eating food without spending it.